Self-Care Gifts For Mother's Day 2022

This has to be the 'mother' of all ironies!! An individual who epitomizes unconditional love and care, most often than not finds herself at the bottom of the pyramid when it comes to taking care of herself! Over centuries, society has glorified the 'selfless' nature of a mother's role. So much so, that mothers find it hard even today to focus and give attention to themselves.

It's not surprising then that 71% of women feel guilty about self-care practices and routines according to a survey conducted in 2000 in USA.

This mother's day let's change the narrative around self-care and give our moms what they truly deserve!

In this article, we will explore a few mother's day gifts that are thoughtful and mindful, but may not always come with a price tag. 

(Please note that the external links in this story are not an endorsement but based purely on personal experience of these products) 

Mother's day gifts 2022 conversations

1. Coffee and Conversations - No gift can beat the gift of time spent with our mothers. A 2019 study showed that men and women above 65 years who spent more time interacting with a wide range of people were more active and had better emotional well being. Your mom would love to see you walk into her doorway if you can surprise her. But dont lose heart if can't make it. Even a few moments on a video call with a meaningful conversation would guarantee you the same desired effect. 


Mother's day gifts 2022 massage

2. Massages - Who doesn't love a massage. Did you know scientists found out that when a group of women above 70 years of age with sleep disturbances were given a hand massage followed by a hand bath in the evening; it improved their sleep quality and helped them relax! For a mother, getting a massage from their own kids can be a fulfilling experience indeed. And if you're not around to give her a massage then you can gift her a relaxing massage at a local spa. If you think mom still wont step out to the spa, then get the spa home by gifting her some body oils for a DIY spa routine. 

Mother's day gifts 2022 essential oils aromatherapy

 3. Fragrances that don’t wither - Flowers make for classic token of gifts but unfortunately they wither out soon. How about opting for the next best alternative and buying some mood-shifting essential oils. Kanya’s essential oils have been curated to balance specific chakras or energy centres in the body that can elevate your mother’s sense of well-being. If your mother has a green thumb, you can also buy her a flowering potted plant.   


4. Crystal Jewellery: It's no secret that women love their jewelry. But jewelry that heals your vibe and energizes you is something that every man and woman should try to get their hands on. More so, if it's for your mom. Check out some amazing jewellery designs here, which have healing crystal energy.


Mother's day gifts 2022 letter writing

5. An open letter  - As archaic as it may sound, there's something powerful about seeing your thoughts jotted down on paper. Letter writing can be as therapeutic to the person receiving as much as the person writing it. John Evans, former English professor-turned-expressive writing clinician and researcher has said expressive writing helps relieve physical and mental health issues in some people. Evans has even authored a book called 'Expressive Writing: Words that Heal'. It's time to bare your soul for mom. Go ahead, write her a poem or a letter. Or if you're far away, then just send her an email or a message filled with gratitude. 


Mother's day gifts 2022 meditation yoga

6. Healing - A mother in any part of the world is constantly multi-tasking and has a zillion things on her mind. How about gifting her some peace of mind. How? For starters, observe and find out what really gives her some peace of mind - it could be yoga, meditation or any spiritual podcasts. Subscribe to such apps or podcasts or sign her up on a yoga or a meditation program. Anything that will help mom take a pause during the day and rejuvenate the mind. 


Mother's day gifts 2022 healthy gut

7. Healthy gut - Did you know that our gut produces 95% of serotonin! No wonder then it becomes imperative to keep our gut happy. Unfortunately the number one digestive issue that people face as they age is gastroesophageal reflux disease. Here are a few instant digestive teas that are natural, ayurvedic concoctions and can help alleviate bloating and acid reflux. 

We've just scratched the surface when it comes to gifting mindfully. Self care matters and it's time to let mom know it more than anyone! 

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