Root Chakra Healing: The Science, Traditions, and Techniques

What picture does the term “root” evoke in your mind? For most of us, it is the imagination of a tall tree with firm far-reaching roots. The root chakra symbolizes the same. Many traditions mention that humans and plants both have a grounding force that is known as roots. While the roots are an actual physical part in the case of plants, for humans, the roots are formed by the energy surrounding them for humans. Multiple energy healers have claimed that the chakra healing rituals, should one start them should be started with the root chakra first.

In this blog, let us try and develop a deeper understanding of the Root Chakra and the chakra healing rituals associated with it.

What is the Root Chakra

Root Chakra Healing: What is a Root Chakra

Chakras, as we know, are the small parts of a complex, more nuanced spiritual and religious tradition. The origin of the chakra-related text is said to be in India. The earliest mentions of the chakras and kundalini date back to 1500-100 BC. These mentions can still be found in the Vedas or the ancient Indian spirituality text. 

As the name suggests, the root chakra is associated with the feeling of stability, the feeling of safety, and connection with mother Earth. Also known as the Muladhar chakra in Sanskrit, the root chakra is the first chakra in the human body. It is believed to be found between the perineum and the lower spine. Owing to its location in the body, the root chakra is sometimes linked to the adrenal glands and the anus. 

To sum up, the major characteristics of the root chakra are as follows:

  • It is represented by the red color
  • It is linked to the Earth's element
  • It is situated at the base of the spine
  • It is connected to feelings of security, safety, and survival

An individual with a balanced root chakra exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Has a deep focus and strong presence
  • Feels stable and secure
  • Has a healthy presence of mind and survival instinct
  • Is dependable, reliable, and responsible
  • Is down to earth and compassionate
  • Has an unbeatable zest for life

Understanding the Imbalance and how to heal the root chakra

The blocking or imbalance of any chakra means that the flow of energy pertaining to that specific chakra has been impacted or obstructed. When it comes to an imbalanced root chakra, one usually feels fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and discomfort with their being. Such an imbalance of the root chakra can result in several physical and emotional issues. Some notable impacts of an imbalanced root chakra are listed below.

Physical Issues

  • Insomnia or difficulty in sleeping
  • Constipation or indigestion
  • Sudden weight fluctuations
  • Weakened Immune system
  • Consistent Fatigue
  • Pain in the lower back, feet, knees, and the base of the spine

Emotional Issues

  • Anxiety, fear, and a general feeling of unsafety
  • Erratic behavious
  • Depression and/or lack of motivation
  • Continuous feeling of being in the survival mode
  • General negativity and cynicism

Spiritual Issues

  • Existential crisis
  • Loss of faith in the higher power
  • Continuously questioning the motives of the people around
  • General sense of distrust and hopelessness

The effect of an imbalanced root chakra is quite obvious. You can say that when you feel threatened, you prepare to either fight or flight. For people who have lived under stress for prolonged periods, it becomes a second nature to be in that mode by default. This can be reversed through dedicated chakra healing rituals targeted at healing root chakra specific. 

There are multiple ways to do it. Some notable rituals for healing root chakra involve dedicated movements (yoga asanas), utilization of sounds and touch, some amount of breathwork, and positive affirmations. In the sections ahead, we will discuss some of these chakra healing rituals in detail.

Root Chakra Healing


How to heal your root chakra: The dedication Chakra Healing Rituals

Dedicated Movements and Asanas for healing the root chakra

To begin with, activities like long walks, gardening, pilates, dance, and hiking can be of the essence for healing the root chakras. In addition to these, some dedicated yoga asanas can help. 

The most notable yoga asanas for healing your root chakra are the  Malasana (Garland Pose), Uttanasana (Standing forward fold), the Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), and the Bridge Lifts. In addition to this, the squats, and warrior pose, also work wonders.

Alternatively, you can also do the following exercise to heal your root chakra:

  • First of all, you would need a tennis ball, a smaller rubber ball, or a yoga tune-up ball
  • Stand and place the ball on the ground in front of you
  • Shift your weight to one foot, lift the other foot, and put it on the ball
  • Press the ball lightly with your foot and try and move it in a circular motion
  • While you are trying to move the ball, try that your ankle moves in a circular motion as well
  • Once you are done with one foot, change your stance

Common Sounds to heal the root chakra.

We have usually found listening to gong sounds, and singing bowls to be especially helpful as a chakra healing ritual for healing the root chakra. In addition, listening to calming vibrations or Om chants is also known to help. Alternatively, you may choose one mantra and chant it repeatedly while meditating.

The root chakra’s sound is that of a seed, the “lam,” which, if chanted repeatedly and over time, can have a profound effect on healing the root chakra by awakening the energy center.

Mediation as a chakra healing ritual for healing the Root Chakra

Root Chakra Healing: Meditation

Some common meditation types that can answer your question on “how to heal your root chakra” are as follows:

  • Simple Root Chakra Meditation: The standard meditation practice whereby you take long, slow breaths and try and visualize the color red
  • Lam chanting meditation: This meditation involves focusing on your breath until you feel relaxed. Once the state is achieved, you need to chant the seed sound of “lam” repeatedly
  • Grounding Cord Meditation: Probably the most complex of the meditations aimed at healing the root chakra, it involves the following steps:
    • Bring your attention to the root chakra, i.e., at the base of the pelvis
    • Visualize the trunk of a tree growing from the bottom of your spine
    • Take deep breaths and feel as if you are connected to the earth
    • With each exhalation, try and send down the negative thoughts down the tree trunk and into the ground/earth
    • With each inhalation, imagine as if a revitalizing force is spreading in your body
    • Repeat this visualization for 5 to 10 slow deep breaths.
  • Walking Mediation: The last of the meditations aimed at healing root chakra, it involves the following steps:
    • Find a space long enough for you to take a minimum of 10 steps with ease
    • Stand firmly on the ground and feel the earth’s vibrations tingling your sole. Feel the pressure at the bottom of your feet
    • Place your hand at the center of your chest and take three slow deep breaths.
    • Now, release your hands and start walking. Try and feel the surroundings with every step you take. Focus on the feeling that you get when your foot strikes the ground
    • With each step, you may also recite the affirmations: “I belong here” or “I am home.”
    • Continue till you feel positive or experience a shift in your energy.

Chakra Healing Rituals to balance the Root Chakra

Root Chakra Healing: Rituals

Most texts mention three chakra healing rituals in specific that can help you heal your root chakra. These include Mudras like the Bhumisparsha mudra. In this, you have to take one hand to your heart and touch the ground with another one. Then, continue being in this posture for ten slow and deep breaths.

The second ritual involves continuous use of the color red, i.e., the Root chakra color. You can put on a red dress, a red scarf, red lipstick, or just include the color red in whatever you are doing, and you will be able to see the shift in your energy. Not only is playing with colors fun but the constant sight and visualization help shift the frequency and change your vibration.

The third chakra healing ritual involves the use of crystals. You can either take a gemstone and essential oils infused chakra healing ritual bath, as mentioned in another blog of ours, or you can simply wear these crystals. The main crystals for healing root chakra are:

  • Black tourmaline for protecting positive energy and clear the negative vibrations
  • Ruby and red Jasper for connecting with the earth element
  • Garnet and Hematite to ground the body’s energy

Positive affirmations to heal the root chakra

Root Chakra Healing: Positive Affirmations

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, and a healthy mind is needed to help recuperate an ailing body. The same holds true for all chakra healing rituals or, in this case, for healing the root chakra too.

Positive affirmations constantly remind the self about the value that the individual holds. It builds positive energy in and around. Some major affirmations to use for healing root chakra are:

  • I am safe
  • I am secure
  • I am at home in my body
  • I am at peace with the here and now
  • The Earth supports and nourishes me

Concluding Remarks on Root Chakra healing

There are various schools of thought about how to approach root chakra healing and whether chakras even exist. While there has been no scientific experimental evidence to suggest the existence of the chakras, experiential evidence abounds. 

Many people who practice chakra balancing rituals and practices have been known to awaken their kundalini and reach a trance-like stage. Similarly, multiple individuals have been known to have taken adequate measures to balance or heal their chakras and have benefitted from the same.

The healing process also varies with the individuals, and hence to know which one would suit your requirements, you should get in touch with a trained practitioner or instructor.

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