• Positive Affirmations For Your Chakra Self-Care Healing: For All 7 Chakras

    Positive Affirmations For Your Chakra Self-Care Healing: For All 7 Chakras
    According to the ancient Indian texts on spirituality, each person has seven major chakras that line up along the spine, starting from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. These chakras are spinning wheels of cosmic energy that connect the body with the spiritual or divine power. Each of these chakras has its own characteristics, is associated with a certain kind of vibrational energy, and manifests into different personality traits.  The root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine, has the frequency of the red colour and corresponds to...
  • 6 Simple Ways to Try and Balance Your Root Chakra at Home

    6 Simple Ways to Try and Balance Your Root Chakra at Home
    The root chakra, as we had discussed in our other blog, is the energy source, the foundation for all other chakras. Hence, if it is blocked or unbalanced, chances are that the other chakras are also misaligned. You see, it is, as the name suggests, the root of the entire structure. Therefore, if the root is skewed, the structure can never be strong. Thus, even for very basic well-being, it is important that the root chakra be balanced and healthy and has an open energy flow.  The signs of an unbalanced root chakra are very evident...
  • Root Chakra Healing: The Science, Traditions, and Techniques

    Root Chakra Healing: The Science, Traditions, and Techniques
    What picture does the term “root” evoke in your mind? For most of us, it is the imagination of a tall tree with firm far-reaching roots. The root chakra symbolizes the same. Many traditions mention that humans and plants both have a grounding force that is known as roots. While the roots are an actual physical part in the case of plants, for humans, the roots are formed by the energy surrounding them for humans. Multiple energy healers have claimed that the chakra healing rituals, should one start them should be started with the root chakra...
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