• 20 Powerful Solar Plexus Affirmations To Develop Your Purpose

    20 Powerful Solar Plexus Affirmations To Develop Your Purpose
    The solar plexus chakra is the energy center associated with self-development, self-worth, and self-confidence. Also known as the Manipura Chakra, it lies about two inches above the belly button in the abdominal region. It is represented by the color yellow and is associated with the fire element signifying the sun’s energy. It is said that the radiance and brightness of the inner sun have tremendous transformative power. This energy is less in those who suffer from low self-esteem or have difficulties realizing their life goals. Contrary to this, someone with good self-esteem and a sense of...
  • 7 Practical Meditations To Help Balance And Heal Your Chakras

    7 Practical Meditations To Help Balance And Heal Your Chakras
    There is more to life than we see physically. If you are a fan of a movie, you must know that numerous films talk about life, which extends more than what we can see physically. The moment you connect to the invisible energy within you that includes the seven chakras, you are opening up new pathways towards healing and growth.   A chakra is a wheel or a disc that refers to the energy centres in our body. Seven chakras help us to have a balance and a functional mind and body. All seven chakras need to...
  • Chakra Healing: How To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

    Chakra Healing: How To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra
    We thought about how to start this blog and while we felt that it would make sense to talk about the solar plexus chakra directly; we also felt the importance of telling things to our first time reader. And so, we start again with a brief introduction about chakras- the swirling energy centres in the body that help one feel happier, stabler, and stronger. If the chakras are blocked, one can experience physical and emotional vulnerabilities. The imbalance doesn’t always mean suppression, a lot of times it mean extra activity too. For instance, the Solar Plexus...
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