• 6 Simple Ways to Try and Balance Your Root Chakra at Home

    6 Simple Ways to Try and Balance Your Root Chakra at Home
    The root chakra, as we had discussed in our other blog, is the energy source, the foundation for all other chakras. Hence, if it is blocked or unbalanced, chances are that the other chakras are also misaligned. You see, it is, as the name suggests, the root of the entire structure. Therefore, if the root is skewed, the structure can never be strong. Thus, even for very basic well-being, it is important that the root chakra be balanced and healthy and has an open energy flow.  The signs of an unbalanced root chakra are very evident...
  • How to start your chakra balancing process with a Ritual Bath

    How to start your chakra balancing process with a Ritual Bath
    Who doesn’t want balance in their life? No matter our life choices or preferences, we all want some stability and balance in our life. After all, our choices are a means to that balance too. We all know how a hot shower can relax and help us feel rejuvenated. We have also heard about the calming influence of crystals, the importance of essential oils, and the importance of balancing the chakras. A ritual bath to help align the chakra is a significant part of the chakra balancing process. Soaking in water infused with crystals, essential oils,...
  • 11 Symptoms of Your Heart Chakra Opening

    11 Symptoms of Your Heart Chakra Opening
    The heart chakra or the Anahata chakra is located just above the heart. In addition to being responsible for a balanced flow of emotions, the heart chakra also works towards balancing the lower three chakras, namely the naval, sacral, and root chakra, with the upper chakras. The heart chakra is responsible for balancing the physical world with the spiritual. A blocked heart chakra may result in the following signs and symptoms: Shyness Feeling of loneliness Inability to empathize Depression/Anxiety On the other hand, if the heart chakra is overactive, it may result in the following signs...
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