• 9 Essential Oil Blends That Can Help Soothe Common Skin Concerns

    9 Essential Oil Blends That Can Help Soothe Common Skin Concerns
    Essential oils for skin care from nature are a great way to solve the problem. Science and medicine have shown that there are hundreds of plant species in the natural world, each with its own set of valuable bioactive compounds. These chemicals might treat many skin and health problems with little risk naturally. Essential oils can help with your skin problems because they have potent properties. Here are the top 9 Essential oils for skin care.  What Are Essential Oils For Skin Care? Essential oils are the purest type of oil. They are made by distilling...
  • 20 Powerful Solar Plexus Affirmations To Develop Your Purpose

    20 Powerful Solar Plexus Affirmations To Develop Your Purpose
    The solar plexus chakra is the energy center associated with self-development, self-worth, and self-confidence. Also known as the Manipura Chakra, it lies about two inches above the belly button in the abdominal region. It is represented by the color yellow and is associated with the fire element signifying the sun’s energy. It is said that the radiance and brightness of the inner sun have tremendous transformative power. This energy is less in those who suffer from low self-esteem or have difficulties realizing their life goals. Contrary to this, someone with good self-esteem and a sense of...
  • How To Awaken The Muladhara Chakra

    How To Awaken The Muladhara Chakra
    Muladhara chakra, or the root plexus chakra, is the first chakra and can be activated through several mudras, asanas, mantras, and visualizations. The Muladhara chakra is the easiest of all the chakras to activate and even more so through meditation. This blog will talk about the various asanas used to awaken the muladhara chakra. Nasikagra Drishti or Nose Tip Gazing The Muladhara chakra is related to the earth element, representing the sense of smell. Nasikagra Drishti or Agochari Mudra can be done in any comfortable sitting posture. One needs to keep the spine straight with palms...
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