Is It Possible To Work On Your Mind-Body Connection By Using Skin Care?
You were surprised at the topic, right? Probably thought that it was just another clickbait article to gain your attention. But what if we tell you that your skin actually does a lot towards establishing a strong mind-body connection? Think of it this way, why do you want to look better? Or, what gets impacted the first when you are unhealthy or are feeling down in general? Well, it’s the skin-your first line of defense against the surroundings- both physical and mental. In this blog, we will focus on how a better skin health can actually... -
Essential Oil For Balancing Your Sacral Chakra
Have you been experiencing a lack of sexual drive, loss of interest and a general gloom towards love? Chances are that your sacral chakra is imbalanced. If you are a believer in chakras and energy flows within the body, you will understand how even the slightest of imbalance can impact the way we look and feel. The good thing though is that no matter the extent of imbalance, the chakra balance can always be restored with a bit of care and caution. Essential oils for one, make for a major solution when it comes to sacral... -
9 Essential Oil Blends That Can Help Soothe Common Skin Concerns
Essential oils for skin care from nature are a great way to solve the problem. Science and medicine have shown that there are hundreds of plant species in the natural world, each with its own set of valuable bioactive compounds. These chemicals might treat many skin and health problems with little risk naturally. Essential oils can help with your skin problems because they have potent properties. Here are the top 9 Essential oils for skin care. What Are Essential Oils For Skin Care? Essential oils are the purest type of oil. They are made by distilling...