• Heart Chakra Stones: Healing Crystals For Universal Love

    Heart Chakra Stones: Healing Crystals For Universal Love
    The heart chakra is all about universal love. In many ways, it is also the center of the human experience. After all, everything that is seen, heard, written, or read has its essence lying in the emotion. The heart chakra is about our connection with the ambiance, the earth, and every other living being. A balanced heart chakra ritual is hence essential to maintain and restore the balance of our emotions and, therefore, our behavior. The fourth energy center, the heart chakra, is also known as the Anahata chakra. It’s associated with the green color and...
  • Yoga As A Means To Chakra Balancing

    Yoga As A Means To Chakra Balancing
    Your chakras need to stay open for a fully functioning body. But sometimes, for some reason, your chakras can get blocked or imbalanced. Chakra balancing throughout your body can help you advance spiritually, break down mental boundaries and expand your Consciousness. When a chakra or a wheel of energy is stuck, it may be useful to release the prana through movement. Doing Yoga is the best way for chakra balancing as it removes stuck energy from the body because it invites fresh, vital energy back in through poses and the breath.  Before we learn what Yoga...
  • How Essential Oils Can Be Used To Balance Your Chakra

    How Essential Oils Can Be Used To Balance Your Chakra
    The word chakra means wheel or disc through which the energy enters and leaves the body, and hundreds of energy centers are located throughout the body. But the most important are the 7 main chakras that run vertically along the spine from the base at the zone up to the top of the bone.  Think of each chakra as a puzzle that, when put together, will create a perfectly balanced human being. But chakra balancing is quite a difficult task. We constantly need to work on balancing the seven chakras to reach the ultimate goal of...
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